Stand the person to be that the dog sea six in any place where there are dog 00 and this training is important for guarding a particular person while walking in the garden Qasra or on his farm or in his car 00 where the person begins to walk and speak to the dog the word Hell shall enter the dog in walking beside him and repeat the training several axes to understand the dog first, that his mission is to walk with you anywhere and any tendency to go mechanism 00 then holds the trainer that the dog of the series and stands his dog beside him 0 and speak to the dog proved 
to your place Sit Stay stand in the dog next to her constant 0 and go coach away trying to temptation dog with a piece of meat thrown beside him tries the dog to move to capture a caller coach the top of his voice No - Sit Stay and repeat it several times until you understand the dog that whatever happens must only his die alongside her never 0, and then is a stranger to appear suddenly in theater training and go directly to the owner of the dog and tries to attack him or tangles with him their hands begins with the dog in the bark very Vijav Assistant and retreats back quickly and disappears then appears many times and when the moment of engagement the club coach Hato O Rex Vintaleg dog hand assistant to raid the attic furiously but the coach the club proved proved attributable dog next to her 00 and repeat these attempts many times to understand the dog that each task, a guard that person, only leaves him nowhere to go in to defend him 0
to your place Sit Stay stand in the dog next to her constant 0 and go coach away trying to temptation dog with a piece of meat thrown beside him tries the dog to move to capture a caller coach the top of his voice No - Sit Stay and repeat it several times until you understand the dog that whatever happens must only his die alongside her never 0, and then is a stranger to appear suddenly in theater training and go directly to the owner of the dog and tries to attack him or tangles with him their hands begins with the dog in the bark very Vijav Assistant and retreats back quickly and disappears then appears many times and when the moment of engagement the club coach Hato O Rex Vintaleg dog hand assistant to raid the attic furiously but the coach the club proved proved attributable dog next to her 00 and repeat these attempts many times to understand the dog that each task, a guard that person, only leaves him nowhere to go in to defend him 0
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