Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Reform bad habits in dogs dog training to the customs offices
This course covers the most important lessons of training in the life of the dog at all 0 and prefer to start training lessons in this course of 35-45 days at most 0 and this important lesson learned by the dog good conduct they desire the owner of the animal and people around is 0 which is important to begin as early as possible because this training lessons early treatment of any habit or qualities of bad may appear early on small dogs and to the extent which make treatment impossible, then (Education at a young age Knakec on the stone) and learn the dog at this early age is associated in his mind, negatively or positively throughout his life, which will make you hate or love 0 00 share the first acquaintance between the dog and Lady 0This is the share of first in the life of a dog which is the most important share at all in the life of the dog 0 just like a child who enters school on the first day either to love the school and teacher education shall be successful, but that reel three did not and will never succeed 0 and this is the share of mutual understanding between a dog and a woman (whether Lady is the author who was born a dog at home, or he was the owner, who bought from any other place or that person is a coach externally) in all these cases, you should start this share something great caution and something great kindness and something big out of compassion and generosity 0 and that the for this portion of the psychological effects bad or good in the life of the animal 0 At the beginning of this quota Keep in mind that the dog, which Amra 45 Days is like a child, who one year old, that he understands and accommodates what can be absorbed by this child 0 and also should know that the little dog recognizes her and keeps it completely through his intelligence and acute sense of smell is powerful and memory iron 0 dog that can keep the form of a woman and smell and voice for very long periods If your child can forget all this, if absent curse months, the dog really will not forget you, even absent the curse of years, but has the ability to distinguish Her from behind the walls and doors without to see 0 We have seen it ourselves, dog knew her, who had come passenger car from a distance of 500 meters, although he was standing behind the fence a garden one of the villas has not been seen and I was surprised the dog play and shake its tail with joy and actually I was surprised in front of me owner of the dog 0And the dog keeps in his memory iron smell of a woman for very long periods, we note that good if you went out to a long journey and then I went back to your place you will notice that the animal seems signs of joy and happiness and find it rushes toward you strongly almost kisses 0 and most important warning like that is directed to the owner of an animal or a woman is not to hit the dog at all in the stages of life first before puberty so as not to make this dog a coward and go bold and go damn recipe feet 0 Whenever Madt confident dog in himself the easier it in his training and the more hit he loses confidence in himself and therefore Sekhec will not respond to the training and the opposite is true 0Now begin to share the first 00 and here must be to acquire a dog love since the first meeting and gaining confidence from the first moment 0 and be the first meeting is always a glance of love and touch of tenderness and fondling beautiful and courtesy more beautiful and be the first meeting of the whole of love and the whole fun and the whole play only 0 and will have to do magic on your dog This will be the first meeting is the birth of love, friendship and harmony between you and your dog's 0 must and the first meeting to feed him more than once, and your hands you and work his bathroom beautiful with your hands you should take him and gently and carry it between your hands 0 as Evdha that Tstahbh in Picnic beautiful wearing a collar a beautiful bell, for example and a new series and include the trip good food makes him will not forget you and never forget your generosity and never
knew that holds a place very special in your heart and therefore will love you and will be your dog's Secretary and Harsk courageous and 000,000 and 00,000 and 000,000 and you are everything in his life 0 and during this trip and after that she is pregnant dog a moment of time must be place and gently on the ground and then walk and make it move behind you without a series in any place to go,
Teaching dogs guarding warehouses and factories, villas and palaces
These places were involved in that have walls of a long external gates and yard and garden and building an internal 00 and in the villas are advised to raise one male or male and female, 00 The large plants would need to be a secret full of dog is a male and female Bmudall two dogs for each two thousand square meters of courtyard of the factory or warehouse or minors 00 and in the Each case must be to the dogs during the day, private homes far from the attendees of the place by day 00 and that in order to rest the dogs during the day and in night launch to begin its mission in receivership and begin dog training period of the sport and move without the series for ten minutes to relax psychological and dismantling of the muscles and moving in every direction to recognize at the entrances of the place and goings and the bracelet and the existing buildings in the area to be guarded 0, and then catch the coach dog a series of long and standing near a wall and starts one of those strangers where climbing the fence from the inside quickly and then called some of the voices of provocation and then come down again, quickly, and being in front of the dog begins to bark strongly and tries to climb behind the thief 0, and then return the coach to catch the dog after a short break and come back thieves climbing quickly before the dog begins to coach call to the dog Hato and leaves the series Vintaleg dog quickly toward the goal and tries to climb the fence to pick up a foot thief-driven manner Oastvzazih in order to increase the insistence of the dog to attack him 00 In Meanwhile, encouraged by the coach with the wording Bravo Hato Bravo Hato, and so on 00 and then is repeated for the lesson on the door of the building and in every place you want to be in the field of guard dog 0 and every time is the thieves and their clothing and training areas 00 and then try again with a climbing wall once, 00 and in the important facilities appointed by each dog in a particular area within the wall 00 as if appointed by a dog for every 100 m (link dog in a string attached to a nail to land in length 50 meters so that it moves the dog in his area specified his
guard only) and begins thieves Bmchagbh dog in this space only and each time leaves the coach series of the hand so that are attacking the people while climbing the fence in the specific area 00 and repeat this exercise in more than one site wall so that it understands the dog that all he has is to secure this distance only the selected 00 and then repeat training without the rope that the coach install a dog in the situation shown your place Sit Stay in the middle of the area under the fence and then re-robbers attack from more than one location in the wall even saves dog space is to guard it well 0 the same thing can put a dog at a distance of ten meters from the gate and Nrbth chain length of ten meters, and we know the attack on anyone who tries to open the door at night 0
Teach the dog guarding VIPs
Stand the person to be that the dog sea six in any place where there are dog 00 and this training is important for guarding a particular person while walking in the garden Qasra or on his farm or in his car 00 where the person begins to walk and speak to the dog the word Hell shall enter the dog in walking beside him and repeat the training several axes to understand the dog first, that his mission is to walk with you anywhere and any tendency to go mechanism 00 then holds the trainer that the dog of the series and stands his dog beside him 0 and speak to the dog proved 
Teach the dog something like a car guarding the treasury machine
Coach standing next thing to be a free six-specifically 00 and holds the dog chain length of two meters and then tell him to dog Sit Stay in front of this thing 00 and suddenly appears a stranger trying to go about the target 00, we will find the dog barking sharply from position 00 and at the moment, the coach the club bark bark Viazahr Assistant strange fear and retreats in front of dog back and then disappear and he takes the dog a large dose of confidence in himself to 0, and then re-plugin the attack on the dog again and is the dog barking from position 00 and when approaching Assistant hard thing to be a free six and defend it and try for example to open the car door, the coach returns quickly back is holding a string and declare the dog to attack dog tries Hato Assistant and prevents him from opening the door 00 and being assistant here, leaving the car door open as if he was afraid of the dog and disappears Vicdjah coach on that word Bravo with bonus in-kind value of 0
And if was Assistant and try the dog to leave the target and being behind the Assistant Vinadeh Assistant and pull it from the chain and the club top of his voice proved your place Sit Stay up to get used to the dog that he would defend something without leaving him 0, and then make the dog in the development of Sit Stay next to the target 00 and leave the series and shows the Assistant again Vinbh and attack him, but when trying the dog running and behind it is far from what the target free six the club coach proved to your place even to move around and leave the thing to be guarded 0, then we might maneuver the dog with more than one person, and as well as the direction Fahagmehm dog is fixed next to the target Vijav Assistant being 00 and in the meantime lead assistant Latest from another direction and so on until the dog saves the series and without a specific mission to guard and defend this thing the curse of 0
And if was Assistant and try the dog to leave the target and being behind the Assistant Vinadeh Assistant and pull it from the chain and the club top of his voice proved your place Sit Stay up to get used to the dog that he would defend something without leaving him 0, and then make the dog in the development of Sit Stay next to the target 00 and leave the series and shows the Assistant again Vinbh and attack him, but when trying the dog running and behind it is far from what the target free six the club coach proved to your place even to move around and leave the thing to be guarded 0, then we might maneuver the dog with more than one person, and as well as the direction Fahagmehm dog is fixed next to the target Vijav Assistant being 00 and in the meantime lead assistant Latest from another direction and so on until the dog saves the series and without a specific mission to guard and defend this thing the curse of 0
Training and fierce guard dogs
Dog is Harsk Secretary and guard dog Lily of the first degree for several features, including a strong sense of smell and hearing the strongest and very light sleep throughout the night and day 0And the dog smell and hear what can not the strongest and smartest guards realized 0 and dog bold and courageous to the utmost courage and when to defend you or your money it has the willingness to defend you and with all his might to death 0 He does not know weakness or relaxation or treason, no matter how tempting, and usually begin patrols for dogs after sunset directly to the sunrise and there is such popular word-Alkhafrai in the Egyptian countryside says (PAT dog becomes seven), and this parable explains that the guard vigilant throughout the night and who saw no sleep at night is the goalkeeper, who shines attic the morning sun, a head held high Ksba 00 and this parable is significant and a certificate that the strongest and most successful guards at all if Nam guard to Manila dog and if he fears the guard is not afraid of the dog to the dog must be relaxed completely throughout the day to sleep on the comfort and relax his muscles and all Hawwasa from sunrise and until sunset 0 and preferably be relaxing inside his house so as not to object to any of the visitors place throughout the day and so does not consist with them also 0Usually dog ready-to-guard really is a dog who Umrah more than a year, the dog Slim muscles and forces structure and be in good health and senses are all strong 0 and remains a dog so strong for more than ten years under the conditions of health care and good nutrition 0 and before sunset hour offer the dog a meal only a day and are usually meal, fresh and balanced, complete and submit to him with cold water fresh all day to drink it as he pleases 0, and then let the dog after a meal daily hour of rest and begin to digest and then come out directly to where the place is trained to guard 0 Vintaleg this guard bold courageous back and forth from sunset until the next morning to defend status and his companions and their money and property very seriously and the activity and vigilance, courage and dedication and in the cold winter night should be wearing a guard dog clothing Winter (gel) in order not to get colds 0Includes course training guard teach the dog how to be bold and how attacking others in defense of anything 0 which is of course very important for dogs that raised by the owners of villas, palaces and shops, but that the majority of people raised dogs for this purpose 0 and the most appropriate age for training is successful after the age of eight months or more to withstand Dog Training psychologically and physically 0And training needs to guard and assistant coach of the persons strangers just for dog 0
How to teach the dog barking for a moment the danger
Barking dog has assets of 00 00 and has the ethics of well-trained dog can bark the top of his voice in case of any danger to the guards awaken sleepers and to alert all residents in the place that there is something unusual urges Vistad Now all of these to deal with this threat. And requires training the dog to bark to the coach and the coach assistant, provided that this plugin from strangers about the place you want to train a dog to guard it 0 holds coach dog by a chain length of two meters 00 and suddenly appears assistant from behind a wall and be wrapped in a blanket covering his head and his shoulder and only the legs Vtkon phenomenon 0 and starts stranger to approach the dog with lightning speed, and before him up and at a distance of three meters of it begins to switch legs on the ground in the movement of hysterical fast occur a kind of excitement high for the dog begins to bark attic hard and trying to tighten the chain of attack is 0 and in order to give the impression of the dog that he succeeded in the attack this Assistant and Assistant feared escape Assistant in front of him quickly remains unchanged dog barking even disappear assistant in front of him exactly 0 if did not stop the dog from barking orders him coach stop barking to learn, but barking unnecessarily 0 and here is this training contribute significantly in building the confidence of the dog himself, and by repeating This training movements similar and different dog be able to attack any stranger appears in front of him 0 and in every time the assistant called out attic coach bark at the same moment indicates the coach with his finger on this stranger with an attempt to ventilate the series to him in every time to try to dog attack on assistant 0 teach the dog how to attacking fiercely any source of danger wearing Assistant Lath full of cloth thick and wore in his hand Jointy skin thick and boots normal skin 0 and holds the trainer series well - shows the Assistant to the dog suddenly and carrying a stick length meters of wood or plastic and is approaching a dog with moving legs, rapid movement of hysterical and powerful, a I stand and beats on the ground strongly Vinbh dog strongly as a result, exciting Assistant 00 and when heavy dog in the bark begins assistant directing the stick on the dog's mouth as if he will enter it in his mouth tries dog attack on the stick with the severity of the bark and whenever tried to dog attack retreats Assistant behind as if afraid of it - and then because the coach dog through lured from the string back - and then re-plugin the attack again at this moment will raid the dog attic trying Avtrash if possible 0 repeat this exercise several times with the launch of Assistant votes Oastagath high to scare the dog and also so that excited more that this person is afraid of it 00 The coach Vicdja dog loudly and happy to tell him Bravo 00 Bravo 00 Hato O Rex 00 so get used to the dog to attack strangers for a moment he felt the danger of them 0 then begin coach training the dog to attack anyone who tries to attack the author to 00, where the trainer install the chain in a wall and then called out to the dog that prove the status of Sit Stay and then away from the dog about two meters (and standing in front of the dog laid-back) and then suddenly appear assistant from behind a wall or from behind any cover corresponds to the coach in a calm and starts with him talk normal note that the dog will bark it only does not attempt to attack him because Announcement by trainer on the situation Sit Stay 000 and then suddenly begin this person attack or encroachment on the coach or the owner of the dog using the hands with the issue of any voice high 00 At this moment, will be raised dog to infringe on the owner and get mad (In the meantime yelling by the trainer or owner of the call to attic tone of distress and utter attic word Roy go any exalted, O Roy come out dog immediately from the stability and attacking the victim viciously 0, and then repeat the coach training with the same person and with a group of people trying to infringe on the coach who shall dog progress immediately to save the trained 00 and with every success there must be a reward 0
How to teach the dog barking for a moment the danger
Barking dog has assets of 00 00 and has the ethics of well-trained dog can bark the top of his voice in case of any danger to the guards awaken sleepers and to alert all residents in the place that there is something unusual urges Vistad Now all of these to deal with this threat. And requires training the dog to bark to the coach and the coach assistant, provided that this plugin from strangers about the place you want to train a dog to guard it 0 holds coach dog by a chain length of two meters 00 and suddenly appears assistant from behind a wall and be wrapped in a blanket covering his head and his shoulder and only the legs Vtkon phenomenon 0 and starts stranger to approach the dog with lightning speed, and before him up and at a distance of three meters of it begins to switch legs on the ground in the movement of hysterical fast occur a kind of excitement high for the dog begins to bark attic hard and trying to tighten the chain of attack is 0 and in order to give the impression of the dog that he succeeded in the attack this Assistant and Assistant feared escape Assistant in front of him quickly remains unchanged dog barking even disappear assistant in front of him exactly 0 if did not stop the dog from barking orders him coach stop barking to learn, but barking unnecessarily 0 and here is this training contribute significantly in building the confidence of the dog himself, and by repeating This training movements similar and different dog be able to attack any stranger appears in front of him 0 and in every time the assistant called out attic coach bark at the same moment indicates the coach with his finger on this stranger with an attempt to ventilate the series to him in every time to try to dog attack on assistant 0 teach the dog how to attacking fiercely any source of danger wearing Assistant Lath full of cloth thick and wore in his hand Jointy skin thick and boots normal skin 0 and holds the trainer series well - shows the Assistant to the dog suddenly and carrying a stick length meters of wood or plastic and is approaching a dog with moving legs, rapid movement of hysterical and powerful, a I stand and beats on the ground strongly Vinbh dog strongly as a result, exciting Assistant 00 and when heavy dog in the bark begins assistant directing the stick on the dog's mouth as if he will enter it in his mouth tries dog attack on the stick with the severity of the bark and whenever tried to dog attack retreats Assistant behind as if afraid of it - and then because the coach dog through lured from the string back - and then re-plugin the attack again at this moment will raid the dog attic trying Avtrash if possible 0 repeat this exercise several times with the launch of Assistant votes Oastagath high to scare the dog and also so that excited more that this person is afraid of it 00 The coach Vicdja dog loudly and happy to tell him Bravo 00 Bravo 00 Hato O Rex 00 so get used to the dog to attack strangers for a moment he felt the danger of them 0 then begin coach training the dog to attack anyone who tries to attack the author to 00, where the trainer install the chain in a wall and then called out to the dog that prove the status of Sit Stay and then away from the dog about two meters (and standing in front of the dog laid-back) and then suddenly appear assistant from behind a wall or from behind any cover corresponds to the coach in a calm and starts with him talk normal note that the dog will bark it only does not attempt to attack him because Announcement by trainer on the situation Sit Stay 000 and then suddenly begin this person attack or encroachment on the coach or the owner of the dog using the hands with the issue of any voice high 00 At this moment, will be raised dog to infringe on the owner and get mad (In the meantime yelling by the trainer or owner of the call to attic tone of distress and utter attic word Roy go any exalted, O Roy come out dog immediately from the stability and attacking the victim viciously 0, and then repeat the coach training with the same person and with a group of people trying to infringe on the coach who shall dog progress immediately to save the trained 00 and with every success there must be a reward 0
the dogs Obedience training
Training dogs to obedience must begin and the dog at the age of five months so that it can accommodate lessons and training in order to be eligible mentally and physically to receive these lessons successfully and course training obedience must begin after the end the dog completely and successfully training each exercise on the behavior of the True, which prefer to start the age of two and up to five months and obedience training course is to teach the dog to carry out orders just by a woman to hear a special appeal and specific to this matter 0 and this course includes training animals to obey commands following
The first lesson 00Teach the dog to sit on the stool Sit-Stay, and this training is to teach the dog to sit steady and without a series on Mqadth (where all the weight of the body to the stool and his body and his head in a position perpendicular to the ground and face forward, eyes looking into the stability of the front and high, and that proves the dog on it (and any period) after the call attic does not change this situation, but after that the club Lady word com start coach this lesson using the chain and then master the movement is the call to the dog and prove to Mqadth without the series 0 begin training the installation of a series of training and Alkhnaqh then walk the dog first in such a direction randomly until become a dog calm and friendly response to Stamrh by 0, and then suddenly stop the coach and spoken word training for this Sit with the pronunciation of the name of the dog with this word any (Roy Sit) In the same moment pressing the coach left hand on the back of the back of the dog sits on the ground Bmqadth 0, and then palm of the hand right pushing back on the chest of the dog in order to prove this situation 0 and when to take the dog of this situation right Tdaabh and tell him a tone of joy and pleasure Bravo Roy and repeat this lesson's training several times using the chain and then without it (to prove the dog for a minute or two minutes) and then increases in times The following five minutes and then try to leave the dog steady on this situation, leaving the chain on the ground after that we call his pronunciation training Sit Stay or prove your place is fixed the dog on this situation and the chain lying on the ground 0, and then develop training to make the dog in this situation but without a series In the meantime, trying to shake someone else tempted dog with a piece of meat, if I turn the turbine so badly, but get used to moving from this situation no matter how tempting, but after hearing the word of God com or Lady
Lesson 00Teach the dog to walk on the street, accompanied by Lady Hell this training to teach the dog to walk on the street, accompanied by a woman, but also, and adjacent to him and not away from him while walking in the street, whatever the reasons or inducements, after the speaker pronunciation training for this commanding Hell in order to guarantee the non-exposed animals any accident during the walk with you in the street and Oweidat further comply with any order issued to him from you then 0 and must accustom the dog to be put to walk right Onn walking next to you, and adjacent to the foot left and slightly behind 0 holds coach dog from the ring the skin and then a few provisions on the side of the left foot and move it forward 0 On Beginning utter coach walrus training Hell to be this word is preceded always by saying the name of the dog for example, Rex says Maaya 0 On the go Pull the dog's well-Ring and discussed the adjacent well of the foot left foot while walking 0 and have to walk for the first time for a distance of not less than five meters 0, and then say to him Stop or Stop and then a minute later re-trained to walk and speak the word Hell, at the same moment, moving 0 Repeat this lesson several times a walk and then stopped, and so on and once it keeps the dog with the movement in a straight line 0 Try the same training, but have to walk the dog in a circle, and if saved repeated training in the zigzag Zegzzag then try to walk the dog next to you without constipation ring (and when mistakes dog club attic word anger No) and at the same time when implemented it is true was his utter joy and happiness, Yes, and so 0 and then walk the dog suddenly and then stopped and called attic verbal Sit you will find sitting immediately to the crippling 0 and then speak the word Hell for starts to move with you, and this training the latter is called Automatic Hell Sit Hell and if you are going and I wanted to stop dog speak Sit I. If you do not respond to the dog not stand you, but continued to walk and called attic strongly and angrily Sit Sit or stand to comply with the dog standing 0, and then repeat the training until the dog keeps it without Oasthaddam Ring
Lesson 00Teach the dog to sleep fixed on the ground Down is a lesson training to teach the dog to sleep on the ground so that the Aras to the top and front legs extended forward and the hind legs in a relaxed setting complete and forward with building on the stool and a full belly on the ground and when you hear the word training Down grabbed the dog chain by hand the left and then sit the dog first on the sitz Sit and pull the string a little, with a tendency towards the dog from the front with the promotion of your palm and right as if you Stdharbh then speak the word Down or sleeps voice sharp and strong with attracting the string to the bottom of the left hand and at the same moment, move the stop on the top of the dog you find bend forward and helped him pull the front legs with the left hand forward to sleeping in this position and then leave him thus 0, and then after about two minutes called attic Come comes to you and then called him again and suddenly Down to get used to the sleep unit and he learns the dog this situation very well, we start instruction to sleep in mode of death 00000 that we call the word Down-Stay or death and in the moment, click on the right shoulder of the dog with a push strongly on the side right with the repetition of the commanding sharply death 00 death and louder at every call to lock the dog his body on the ground completely so that sleeping on one of its aspects, and his head stable completely on the ground and the legs of the four lying to the Imam as if dead 0 and remains a dog in this situation so that calls attic word Come comes to you and after completing the training, try to die on the other side 00 and then try to turn the dog himself on the other side after it launches the word Change or reading through, and so 0, and then after that teach him how to coach consistency Stay for a long time on this situation as if he actually died 0
The fourth lesson 00Teach the dog to come to you as soon as the call attic Come When Called the most important exercises of obedience in dogs because the train the dog to leave everything until the food comes to a woman as soon as the call attic the words, Come, or the Almighty, and when it reaches Alec stands facing you fixed the situation Sit Stay and this training when implemented by the dog successfully deserves to be said to be highly trained to obey 0, a training is very important especially when the dog outside the home Out door where it will be dog busy playing with children or with other dogs or smell things that goes next to 0 but if the dog inside the house In door the Osthapth to this appeal will be easier to 0 and begins training with the chain and then without even learn to dog this important lesson well 0 and remember that they should not use the word Come never to come to you dog to punish him so as not to be forced to non-compliance with your orders, knowing that this term leads to punishment 0 but let the dog associated in his mind that with the obedience you are such that no would be a reward Vtkon obedience to him is behavior which brings him rewards 0 and this training important to start first inside the park In door and using a long chain so that the least length of two meters 0 Use the first word Sit-Stay, then stand in the face of the dog completely and the string in your hands left and then called the dog word COME At the same moment, pull the string with the left hand was noted attic right hand in any movement to the appeal (and should be a call-and-pull of the string and the reference in a moment) 0 in the beginning will beat the dog, but after repeated training will result in training successfully using the longer chains at a time until it reaches the length of the string to about ten meters and in a time when the dog in front of you this call speak the word Sit Stay to stand in front of you again 0 Repeat the exercise several times until you save the dog to come to you and stand in front of you steady without Oasthaddam chain 0 On Beginning When the call needs to be a voice high and sharp and having mastered the animal lesson must be a call in a low voice, thin, or even whispered 0 and forget when any error in the movement to release the word No and when mastery launches the word Okay and the dog trainer well on this lesson in particular is highly 0 of obedience
He studied for a 00 VGo to your place Go to your Place If you know the dog same as though once the call to go to the place and carried out this training well, it will be loved very at her because it would leave anything to his food and goes to the place specified and remain faithful and no movement and indefinitely until the issue you have call last 0 and the training exercises excellent that you will have it that about the dog by your guests completely, or by working in the villa during the making of anything that needs not to harass dogs to them during the work, such as the preparation of trip or cut grass, or when your interview to the guests of 0 and starts with the coach or the owner of the animal allocate a specific place for the dog to be faithful jars of food, drink and bedding so that it is away from the roads and the road to the guests as if the corner in Frandh background or under a tree for a particular or in the private house of the dog 0 using a series of length two and a quarrel and then begin to launch pronunciation training Rex-go to your place Please 00 go to your place and must be sound thin and pulls the string at this time until the dog go to this exact location 0 and when it comes to this place Tell him the word Sit to stand firm in this place 0, and then launch Stay any to prove exactly in this place 0, and then leave him in this the situation and go back to back two meters a second time but this time do not miss a look so as not to move because it will be assured that you side of 0, and then repeat this lesson several times until you save the dog that once the appeal attic words, go where you will go immediately and stand firmly in place even call him a second time the word God 00 and this training is very difficult, but the success of the dog faithful means convenience, and not to annoy you and your guests and needs to be patience a large dog so good at 0 and always make my dog feel that he leads this
The first lesson 00Teach the dog to sit on the stool Sit-Stay, and this training is to teach the dog to sit steady and without a series on Mqadth (where all the weight of the body to the stool and his body and his head in a position perpendicular to the ground and face forward, eyes looking into the stability of the front and high, and that proves the dog on it (and any period) after the call attic does not change this situation, but after that the club Lady word com start coach this lesson using the chain and then master the movement is the call to the dog and prove to Mqadth without the series 0 begin training the installation of a series of training and Alkhnaqh then walk the dog first in such a direction randomly until become a dog calm and friendly response to Stamrh by 0, and then suddenly stop the coach and spoken word training for this Sit with the pronunciation of the name of the dog with this word any (Roy Sit) In the same moment pressing the coach left hand on the back of the back of the dog sits on the ground Bmqadth 0, and then palm of the hand right pushing back on the chest of the dog in order to prove this situation 0 and when to take the dog of this situation right Tdaabh and tell him a tone of joy and pleasure Bravo Roy and repeat this lesson's training several times using the chain and then without it (to prove the dog for a minute or two minutes) and then increases in times The following five minutes and then try to leave the dog steady on this situation, leaving the chain on the ground after that we call his pronunciation training Sit Stay or prove your place is fixed the dog on this situation and the chain lying on the ground 0, and then develop training to make the dog in this situation but without a series In the meantime, trying to shake someone else tempted dog with a piece of meat, if I turn the turbine so badly, but get used to moving from this situation no matter how tempting, but after hearing the word of God com or Lady
Lesson 00Teach the dog to walk on the street, accompanied by Lady Hell this training to teach the dog to walk on the street, accompanied by a woman, but also, and adjacent to him and not away from him while walking in the street, whatever the reasons or inducements, after the speaker pronunciation training for this commanding Hell in order to guarantee the non-exposed animals any accident during the walk with you in the street and Oweidat further comply with any order issued to him from you then 0 and must accustom the dog to be put to walk right Onn walking next to you, and adjacent to the foot left and slightly behind 0 holds coach dog from the ring the skin and then a few provisions on the side of the left foot and move it forward 0 On Beginning utter coach walrus training Hell to be this word is preceded always by saying the name of the dog for example, Rex says Maaya 0 On the go Pull the dog's well-Ring and discussed the adjacent well of the foot left foot while walking 0 and have to walk for the first time for a distance of not less than five meters 0, and then say to him Stop or Stop and then a minute later re-trained to walk and speak the word Hell, at the same moment, moving 0 Repeat this lesson several times a walk and then stopped, and so on and once it keeps the dog with the movement in a straight line 0 Try the same training, but have to walk the dog in a circle, and if saved repeated training in the zigzag Zegzzag then try to walk the dog next to you without constipation ring (and when mistakes dog club attic word anger No) and at the same time when implemented it is true was his utter joy and happiness, Yes, and so 0 and then walk the dog suddenly and then stopped and called attic verbal Sit you will find sitting immediately to the crippling 0 and then speak the word Hell for starts to move with you, and this training the latter is called Automatic Hell Sit Hell and if you are going and I wanted to stop dog speak Sit I. If you do not respond to the dog not stand you, but continued to walk and called attic strongly and angrily Sit Sit or stand to comply with the dog standing 0, and then repeat the training until the dog keeps it without Oasthaddam Ring
Lesson 00Teach the dog to sleep fixed on the ground Down is a lesson training to teach the dog to sleep on the ground so that the Aras to the top and front legs extended forward and the hind legs in a relaxed setting complete and forward with building on the stool and a full belly on the ground and when you hear the word training Down grabbed the dog chain by hand the left and then sit the dog first on the sitz Sit and pull the string a little, with a tendency towards the dog from the front with the promotion of your palm and right as if you Stdharbh then speak the word Down or sleeps voice sharp and strong with attracting the string to the bottom of the left hand and at the same moment, move the stop on the top of the dog you find bend forward and helped him pull the front legs with the left hand forward to sleeping in this position and then leave him thus 0, and then after about two minutes called attic Come comes to you and then called him again and suddenly Down to get used to the sleep unit and he learns the dog this situation very well, we start instruction to sleep in mode of death 00000 that we call the word Down-Stay or death and in the moment, click on the right shoulder of the dog with a push strongly on the side right with the repetition of the commanding sharply death 00 death and louder at every call to lock the dog his body on the ground completely so that sleeping on one of its aspects, and his head stable completely on the ground and the legs of the four lying to the Imam as if dead 0 and remains a dog in this situation so that calls attic word Come comes to you and after completing the training, try to die on the other side 00 and then try to turn the dog himself on the other side after it launches the word Change or reading through, and so 0, and then after that teach him how to coach consistency Stay for a long time on this situation as if he actually died 0
The fourth lesson 00Teach the dog to come to you as soon as the call attic Come When Called the most important exercises of obedience in dogs because the train the dog to leave everything until the food comes to a woman as soon as the call attic the words, Come, or the Almighty, and when it reaches Alec stands facing you fixed the situation Sit Stay and this training when implemented by the dog successfully deserves to be said to be highly trained to obey 0, a training is very important especially when the dog outside the home Out door where it will be dog busy playing with children or with other dogs or smell things that goes next to 0 but if the dog inside the house In door the Osthapth to this appeal will be easier to 0 and begins training with the chain and then without even learn to dog this important lesson well 0 and remember that they should not use the word Come never to come to you dog to punish him so as not to be forced to non-compliance with your orders, knowing that this term leads to punishment 0 but let the dog associated in his mind that with the obedience you are such that no would be a reward Vtkon obedience to him is behavior which brings him rewards 0 and this training important to start first inside the park In door and using a long chain so that the least length of two meters 0 Use the first word Sit-Stay, then stand in the face of the dog completely and the string in your hands left and then called the dog word COME At the same moment, pull the string with the left hand was noted attic right hand in any movement to the appeal (and should be a call-and-pull of the string and the reference in a moment) 0 in the beginning will beat the dog, but after repeated training will result in training successfully using the longer chains at a time until it reaches the length of the string to about ten meters and in a time when the dog in front of you this call speak the word Sit Stay to stand in front of you again 0 Repeat the exercise several times until you save the dog to come to you and stand in front of you steady without Oasthaddam chain 0 On Beginning When the call needs to be a voice high and sharp and having mastered the animal lesson must be a call in a low voice, thin, or even whispered 0 and forget when any error in the movement to release the word No and when mastery launches the word Okay and the dog trainer well on this lesson in particular is highly 0 of obedience
He studied for a 00 VGo to your place Go to your Place If you know the dog same as though once the call to go to the place and carried out this training well, it will be loved very at her because it would leave anything to his food and goes to the place specified and remain faithful and no movement and indefinitely until the issue you have call last 0 and the training exercises excellent that you will have it that about the dog by your guests completely, or by working in the villa during the making of anything that needs not to harass dogs to them during the work, such as the preparation of trip or cut grass, or when your interview to the guests of 0 and starts with the coach or the owner of the animal allocate a specific place for the dog to be faithful jars of food, drink and bedding so that it is away from the roads and the road to the guests as if the corner in Frandh background or under a tree for a particular or in the private house of the dog 0 using a series of length two and a quarrel and then begin to launch pronunciation training Rex-go to your place Please 00 go to your place and must be sound thin and pulls the string at this time until the dog go to this exact location 0 and when it comes to this place Tell him the word Sit to stand firm in this place 0, and then launch Stay any to prove exactly in this place 0, and then leave him in this the situation and go back to back two meters a second time but this time do not miss a look so as not to move because it will be assured that you side of 0, and then repeat this lesson several times until you save the dog that once the appeal attic words, go where you will go immediately and stand firmly in place even call him a second time the word God 00 and this training is very difficult, but the success of the dog faithful means convenience, and not to annoy you and your guests and needs to be patience a large dog so good at 0 and always make my dog feel that he leads this